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Partner with Us

– Fundraising – Do you like to hold fundraising events in the workplace or getting your friends together to take on a challenge at work or in your gym – we can provide leaflets, sponsor forms, banners and promote on our social media platforms.  Please get in touch or call 07786 007315.

– Sponsorship – Pink Sisters hold many events throughout the year and are always looking for companies and individuals to sponsor different aspects of our fundraising events.  If you are interested in helping Pink Sisters and enhancing your own brand while raising much needed funds for our Charity, please get in touch.

– Spread the Word and Awareness – Do you want to raise awareness of the importance of early detection of cancer and would like us to promote this during your Health & Wellbeing events in the Workplace then please get in touch and we will organise a free talk and presentation or advice point for your staff.

– Donations of Gifts in Kind – Do you have time, skills, services, products or advice that you can offer to our charity, we would love to hear from you?  Please get in touch and let us know.

Social Media

  • Like and share our Facebook page and posts
  • Retweet us on Twitter and repost us on Instagram Use #pinksisters
  • Tag your friends and ask them to follow us on our media platforms
  • If you want to fundraise for Pink Sisters please share and tag us

How we spend our money:

£5 towards running cost of support groups
£10 provide volunteers with materials to raise awareness in the community
£25 will allow us to provide a free counselling session